Message from the Dean SoE

We are much honored to welcome you all to the School of Engineering (SoE) at Kathmandu University, Nepal. As the country’s first autonomous, not-for-profit, self-funding public institution in Higher Education in Engineering programs, School of Engineering (SoE) at Kathmandu University paved the way and is now a world class engineering school that proudly represents our country Nepal in the global arena. We, SoE started our journey in Higher Education in Engineering Education with Computer Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering in 1994. Now we are stronger with Civil Engineering, Architecture Engineering, Chemical Engineering, and Geometric Engineering. We are strongly committed to focus on setting new standards of excellence in each of the following areas:

  • Research that targets today’s greatest societal challenges.
  • Education that empowers students to become future change agents.
  • Equal and equitable access for the many to succeed in Engineering careers.
  • Entrepreneurship that helps bring great ideas to the global industry.

It is no hidden that COVID 19 has taught us a lot of lessons, especially in higher education. Covid 19 has forced the entire globe into a new era with new challenges and new opportunities. Events during the Covid 19 have taught us a lot about the need for resilience, justice, and sustainability. Existing education system has to be rejuvenated for new challenges and new opportunities. Therefore, the School of Engineering has timely recognized a dire need to develop soft skills along with technical skills among learners for these new challenges and opportunities. We are steering our academic activities according to the need of education 4.0 for Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0

Our collective effort in School of Engineering (SoE) is always directed to address the current global as well as local challenges and gain national and international respect as a SoE leading the future of all of us. Moreover, School of Engineering (SoE) at Kathmandu University has already taken a new direction to empower our students to be equipped with new skills to address the existing and future challenges and create an opportunity with high adaptability in new era with new vision “ To be a Center of Excellence in Higher Education in Engineering by 2026”.

Rapid learning, lifelong learning, unlearning, and adaptability are main mantras in our School of Engineering. Problem based learning, project-based learning, challenged based learning and active learning in engineering education is our approach for a new era.

Our School of Engineering (SoE) is very much passionate about research. SoE is thriving for excellence both in fundamental contribution to academic knowledge, as well as in creating technology with practical impact in the community. Our research will be more on the issues of climate change, and sustainable development using the potentials of emerging technologies in every engineering field.

We have a series of challenges and also piles of opportunities. Everything is possible if we unite together and work hard.

Prof. Manish Pokharel, PhD

Dean, School of Engineering