Visit of Mr. Jim Lindquist

Published Date: 2015-06-16, Tuesday

Mr. Jim Lindquist from Norway had a short visit to Kathmandu University through Himal Partner during 1 to 12 June 2015. He worked at Kathmandu University Technical Training Centre (KUTTC) for two weeks helping in the designing of semi-permanent classrooms together with the staffs at TTC. During his stay, TTC set up a production plan for making 43 units. Some jigs for serial production were prepared for trusts.

On 10 June, Mr. Lindquist also delivered a presentation for the Kathmandu University Lecture Series (KULS) organized by School of Engineering, on the theme “Leadership and Organizational Development” where he encouraged the participants to stand up as leaders in a difficult time.

Category: News
Last Updated Date: 2015-06-16,Tuesday
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