Recent news of Geomatics Engineering Program

Published Date: 2009-07-28, Tuesday

Geomatics Engineering Program News

Apart from the Country Presentations by the respective participants the Dr. Arbind Tuladhar (ITC), Mr. Narayan Bhattarai (KU), Mr. Nab Raj Subedi (Survey Department), Anish Joshi (Genesis) and Reshma Shrestha (Genesis) gave lectures in the following
• Latest Geo-Information Technologies (Geo-ICT)
• Land administration: policy targets and Geo-ICT
• Sensors and applications to Land administration
• Land Information Systems: Adopting Geo-ICT
• Transparency in Land Administration
• Research on transparency in Land Acquisition
• Strategic planning for adopting Geo-ICT for Land administration

A practical application of Ilwis Software in the field of Geo-ICT was also demonstrated in the Nepalese context by Mr. Nab Raj Subedi.

  1. Immediately after the short course a team of experts from ITC, Mr. Chris Paresi and Dr. Arbind Tuladhar met Kathmandu University Vice Chancellor, Registrar, Deans of School of Engineering, School of Natural Science, School of Art and School of Management for promoting Academic Partnership in Land Administration between UNU-ITC School of Land Administration Studies and Kathmandu University in the near future.
    The team of experts also had meetings/ discussions with the government stakeholders such as Minister, Secretary, and Joint Secretary of Ministry of Land Reform and Management and Secretary of the Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers about the support and possible help for the partnership.

    Director Generals of Department of Surveys, Department of Land Reform and Management and Department of Land Information and Archive were also consulted for the partnership out come.

    Non-governmental organizations such as International Center for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) and Lumanti were also visited and discussed about the possible support and cooperation required for the partnership.


  1. Mr. Chris Paresi and Dr. Arbind Tuladhar also gave lectures on the aspects Land Governance to the combined class of 1st and 2nd year students of Geomatics Engineering.

Category: News
Last Updated Date: 2019-07-24,Wednesday
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