Published Date: 2010-12-28, Tuesday
About a hundred participants were involved in several countries were present including: China, Philippines, Vietnam, Mongolia, and Nepal.
Mr. Ede Ijjasz, China & Mongolia Sustainable Development Unit, World Bank
Dr. Wang Guijuan, Senior Economist, Research Institute of Fiscal Science, Ministry of Finance, China
Dr. Frederico M. Macaranas, Asian Institute of Management, Manila, Philippines
Mr. Philip E. Karp, EAP Regional Coordinator, World Bank
Major conclusions drawn from the GDLN-AP Distance Learning Seminar:
1. Taxation needs to be done not only in traditional areas (like vehicles, fuel, industries, etc.) but also taking into account environment and climate change externalities (eg., emissions or carbon taxes).
2. There is a need for review and efficient use of subsidies in developing economies; i.e., to encourage the use of renewable energy and energy efficiency/savings!
3. Risk financing must be considered, i.e., policies need to be put in place for governments, businesses and private sector to invest in risk reduction and climate change mitigation.
4. Adaptive as well as mitigative measures/strategies are needed in Agriculture and other sectors.