Call for Participation "Regional Training on water sanitation and hygiene (wash)”

Published Date: 2013-03-04, Monday


After the completion of the first phase of short training course on water sanitation and hygiene; Kathmandu University, Department of Environment Science & Engineering and Department of Mechanical Engineering invites application for a four days’ “Regional Training on Water Sanitation and Hygiene WASH)” from 25th to 28th March at the university premises in Dhulikhel. The training is being organized in collaboration with Water Aid in Nepal and will be facilitated by both in-house University experts and external experts from several WASH related organizations

The main objectives of this training are:

Focus on research and new as well as existing technical innovations in the WASH sector

Further develop networking in WASH sector


Registration Fee              : Rs. 4,000/- per participant (Accomodation, field visit and closing social event)

Few scholarships also available for needy and eligible candidates


Target Participants      : Field based WASH practioners with aptitude for learning new and innovative technologies

Deadline for application     : March 19th 2013

Application should be submitted by email at:

For further enquiry contact:

Ritavrat Joshi                             : 9841490756

Biomass Stove Testing Lab      : (011)-661399 Ext. 0305 ( 9 A.M – 4 P.M)


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Note: The registration fee is to be paid out only after the selection of candidates is carried out by the university)



Category: Notice
Last Updated Date: 2013-03-04,Monday
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